make msn Homepage

How to make msn Homepage?

Hi there, many users have requested quick and detailed steps to make MSN the default homepage of their browser. once can also choose to use MSN search as the default search engine of their internet browser.

Now it’s very easy but some plugins and browsers extension tends to change the homepage and search engine results of your web browser so if you recently experienced this issue where your MSN homepage is gone from the homepage then you better check the system and settings as instructed below.

Make MSN Homepage

there are many web browsers but most of the users use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Nowadays it’s been seen that antivirus programs have also launched their browser for an extra layer of security and protection which we don’t really recommend for users.

Let us show you How to make changes for all major Browsers and at the end of the topic, we will talk further about preventing this type of issue in the future.

Make msn Homapge on Google Chrome

  • Open your Google Chrome and at the right-hand top click on 3 vertical dots
3 vertical dots
  • Click on setting.
make msn Homepage
  • Click on Startup on the left side and choose open a specific page or set of pages
on startup and open specific page
  • now click on add new pages and then type and click on add
add new page
add msn
  • Now you can also use Bing as your search engine if you are going to be using MSN
  • please click on the search engine from the left navigation menu and use the drop-down menu to select bing
  • Now you can exit the browsers and reopen it, the settings will take effect and you should be good to go now.

in case you have Microsoft edge then try the steps below-

Read more about msn homepage not loading problem

on Microsoft Edge

  • open the Microsoft edge and please click on the three dots at the right top of your browser
edge three dot and setting
  • select settings and then choose start, Home and new tabs from the left navigational panel
start home new tab
  • Now select open these pages and click on add new pages
open these page and add new page
  • type and click on add to make the msn your homepage
msn add

You can also make MSN as the home button on the toolbar.

Below the same option, you can select the box and type and click save to make it a home button.

Exit the browser and reopen it and you should be set to go.

Make MSN Homepage on Firefox

  • open the firefox and click on the Menu bar at the right top of the screen
application menue in
  • Go to the settings and click on search at the left navigational panel
  • at the bottom of that page please click on find more search engines
  • on the next screen type MSN homepage at the search bar
msn homw in
  • now click on MSN Homepage and Bing Search Engine and add it to the firefox extension
  • Confirm the changes in the search engine and homepage
  • save the settings and exit the browser

you should be good to go with firefox now.

Change the homepage on safari

  • open your safari browser and then click on Safari from the top menu
safari browser
  • click on preference then click on General
type msncom in safari
  • under the homepage field please type and apply the settings
  • exit the browser and you should be good to go
  • you can also choose the search engine from safari settings and make it to the bing if you want

That’s how you make MSN your homepage across all major web browsers. in case you need any help contact support or comment below to let us know your problem.

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